Noteplan alternative
Noteplan alternative

noteplan alternative noteplan alternative

fileName optional to identify a normal note by filename instead of title or date.noteDate optional to identify the calendar note in the format YYYYMMDD like '20180122' or use 'today', 'yesterday', 'tomorrow' instead of a date.Noteplan://x-callback-url/openNote?noteDate=today /addTextĪdds text to a note identified by the title, filename (normal notes) or date (calendar notes). useExistingSubWindow optional (only Mac), values: yes (looks for an existing subwindow and opens the note there, instead of opening a new one) and no (default).splitView optional (only Mac), values: yes (opens note in a split view) and no.subWindow optional (only Mac), values: yes (opens note in a subwindow) and no.Searches first regular notes and if nothing found tries to convert the filename into a date. You get the correct URL by using the "Copy URL to Note" feature in the note menu (see menu icon top right inside the editor). If the folder or filename contains spaces and possibly other characters which are not supported in an URL, you need to URL-encode them. You have to use the relative path, which means including the folders (e.g. filename optional to identify a note by filename instead of title or date.You can look up the ID inside the raw text file or click on the drag button left of the line to copy the URL. For example: noteTitle=Fleeting%20Notes%5Epxgobp. Here, too, you need to encode the special characters, spaces ( %20) and "^" ( %5E). Link to a synced line by appending it's ID behind the note title separated by "^", for example: "Fleeting Notes^pxgobp".However, make sure to url encode the spaces ( %20) and the "#" ( %23) sign: noteTitle=Fleeting%20Notes%23Second%20Brain You can link to a subheading by appending #heading name behind the title, for example: "Fleeting Notes#Second Brain".noteTitle optional to identify the normal note by actual title.To open weeks, use the ISO format YYYY-Www, for example, ‘2022-W32’. Open a note identified by the title or date.

Noteplan alternative